

全球治理 2022-06-24







一、项目介绍中国人民大学丝路学院当代中国研究项目,是中国人民大学积极配合国家“一带一路”倡议,落实共建“一带一路”教育行动的关键举措。丝路学院经过数年筹备,旨在依托中国人民大学的学科优势、国际化办学经验和高端智库资源,为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区培养热爱中国文化、深刻理解中国发展道路、发展模式及发展经验的复合型高端人才和未来精英领袖。项目秉承全球战略视野,汇聚全球政要领袖、商界精英和杰出师资,通过核心竞争力课程、名家讲座、高端论坛、名企参访和多地文化体验等精心设计的在华学习内容,为学生创造多角度、全方位的中国学习体验。丝路学院将提供不同层次的竞争性奖学金,包括全额奖学金、半额奖学金。 二、申请资格1. 获得学士或以上学位(应届本科毕业生在入学前于2022年8月31日之前完成全部学业并获得学位);2.持外国普通护照的非中国籍公民,身心健康,具有相应的学位和语言能力。原则上年龄不超过35周岁,须具有与中国大学学士学位相当的学位。依据《中华人民共和国国籍法》第五条,父母双方或一方为中国公民并定居在外国,本人出生时即具有外国国籍的,不具有中国国籍。原为祖国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民,后移民国外并获得外国国籍的申请人,应持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上。对以上提到的两种申请者,应当在上传电子申请材料及递交纸质申请材料时附相关国籍证明材料。三、申请步骤1. 网上报名申请人须在申请时间内登录中国人民大学国际学生申请系统注册账号(http://international.ruc.edu.cn/application),如实填写申请信息,上传申请材料并在系统内缴纳报名费。如上程序完成后,系统将自动生成《中国人民大学国际学生来华留学生申请表》,申请人打印申请表并签字。①网上报名提交的电子照片须为本人近期两寸免冠、露脸、露耳、着深色上衣的白底彩色清晰证件照(宗教信仰特殊情况除外),头部占照片尺寸的2/3,JPG或JPEG格式。②报名信息务必核查无误后再确认提交,一经提交不可修改。③务必保存好网上报名时所使用的用户名和密码。④报名费为人民币800元,须在网上报名确认后根据报名系统提示通过网上支付的方式缴纳。报名费一律不予退还。⑤ 逾期不再受理报名申请。2. 递交纸质申请材料网上报名提交后,学校线上审核申请信息和材料。通过线上初审后的一周内,学生必须将纸质申请材料通过EMS或顺丰快递邮寄至中国人民大学留学生办公室。(请在一周内提供快递单号至 材料邮寄地址&电话 北京市海淀区中关村大街59号 国际文化交流中心108室 (留学生办公室)邮编:100872 电话:86-10-62511588 四、申请材料(电子版以及纸质版)1. 《中国人民大学国际学生来华留学申请表》原件网上报名完成后,系统将自动生成申请表。将申请表打印在一张A4纸内并在指定位置签字。申请表应打印清晰,禁止涂抹、勾画、破损。2. 最高学历证明(1)如申请人已毕业并取得学位,须提供最高学位证明复印件;同时提供经公证处公证的原件, 或者提供由中国教育部、本国教育部、本国驻华使馆、中国驻本国使馆或其委托的官方学历认证部门认证的最高学历证明复印件。(公证书或者认证书应为原件);(2)如申请人为在校学生,须提交本人就读学校出具的预计毕业证明(原件或公证件)。申请人在取得学位后应尽快进行学历认证,以免影响入学报到。如申请人不能在开学报到后的两周内提交最高学位证明相关的文件(见上一条),录取资格将被取消。3. 学习成绩单(原件或公证件)应为所提交最高学历证明对应的学习阶段全部课程的成绩单。非百分制成绩单须包含成绩注释页。4. 护照封面、首页及签证页复印件申请人应持普通护照申请报名及就学,禁止使用其他类型身份证件,持《中华人民共和国旅行证》、《中华人民共和国出入境通行证》、《港澳居民来往内地通行证》、《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或《中华人民共和国港澳/台湾居民居住证》等证件的申请人不符合国际学生报名条件。护照有效期不得早于2023年3月31日,如不符合要求请提前更换护照。请勿在初审通过后至入学报到前的时间段内更换护照。5. 两名教授或副教授的推荐信须使用推荐人单位抬头纸,用中文或英文书写。推荐人须在推荐信末尾签字。离校时间较久,难以与就读大学取得联系的申请人,可以提交工作单位主管领导使用推荐人单位抬头纸出具的推荐信。6. 个人陈述及学习计划内容应包括个人学习和工作经历、学术研究成果、研究计划、毕业后的职业规划等,用英文书写。7. 《外国人体格检查表》原件《外国人体格检查表》模板可自行从留学生办公室网站下载。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目,前往当地正规医院进行体格检查。缺项、未贴本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师签字和医院盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效。8. 语言能力证明雅思考试总成绩为6.0分及以上,托福考试总成绩为90分及以上,暂不接受其他英语等级考试能力证明。获得英语授课学历项目学位的申请人(需提交学校证明)及英语为母语的申请人(含出生在外国的华裔)可以不用提交语言能力证明。9. 经济能力证明(以下选择其一即可)(1)申请人的银行存款证明(存款金额为3万元人民币以上且存款时限在2022年10月以后的定期存款)。(2)担保人的在职收入证明或银行存款证明(在职收入证明须使用公司抬头纸出具或存款金额为3万元人民币以上且存款时限在2022年10月以后的定期存款)。10. 担保书担保书由申请人亲属或经济担保人签署。担保书模板可自行从留学生办公室网站下载。11. 无犯罪记录证明(原件或公证件)(1)目前在华的申请人须提供有效在华无犯罪记录证明;(2)目前不在华的申请人须提供由本国公共安全管理部门出具的无犯罪记录证明。12. 国籍证明材料我校根据中国教育部教外函〔2020〕12号文的有关规定,依据《中华人民共和国国籍法》(下称《国籍法》)的有关条款,要求属于以下情况的申请人提供对应的国籍证明材料:(1)出生时父母双方或一方为中国公民,出生即获外国国籍的申请人须提交:a)申请人出生即具有外国国籍的证明公证件(原件备查);b)申请人出生时父母双方有效身份证件复印件;c)申请人父母双方现持有效身份证件复印件;此外,针对不同情况,我校要求申请人提交其他材料:i.出生在中国境外,出生时父母双方均为定居国外的中国公民,或一方为定居国外的中国公民,另一方为外国国籍,此类申请人须提交出生时,系中国公民的父母双方或一方定居国外的相关证明文件复印件(如签证及出入境签章、他国永居等);ii.出生在中国境外,出生时父母双方或一方为长期居住在中国境内的中国公民,此类申请人依据《国籍法》第五条具有中国国籍,须提交申请人退出中国国籍的证明公证件(原件备查);iii.出生在中国境内,出生时父母双方或一方为长期居住在中国境内的中国公民,此类申请人:①出生后定居中国境内的,则依据《国籍法》第四条具有中国国籍,须提交申请人退出中国国籍的证明公证件(原件备查);②出生后定居国外的,则依据《国籍法》第九条不具有中国国籍,须提交出生后即定居国外的相关证明文件复印件;(2)原为祖国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民,移民后获得外国国籍的申请人须提交:a)获得外国国籍证明公证件(原件备查);b)原为祖国大陆(内地)居民,定居祖国大陆(内地)并取得外国国籍的申请人须提交退出中国国籍证明和注销中国户籍证明的公证件(原件备查); c)原为祖国大陆(内地)居民,定居国外后取得外国国籍的申请人须提交中国户籍注销证明公证件(原件备查)和定居国外相关证明文件复印件;13. 如有需要,可附公开发表的学术论文、所获奖励或其他研究成果复印件。公开发表的学术论文应附检索证明、录用通知或其他相关发表证明材料。注意事项:○ 所有申请材料均须为中/英文的文本,中/英文以外的文本均须提供经公证的中/英文译本,不接受其他语种文件。公开发表的学术论文如篇幅较长无法提供翻译件,须提供中/英文的检索证明、录用通知或其他相关发表证明材料,再附论文原文;○ 若所提交材料为公证件,须为公证件原件,不接受其复印件;○ 所有申请材料一经提交不予返还;○ 学校保留要求申请人补交相关证明材料的权利。五、考核及录取程序申请人可以选择两个志愿专业。提交材料后,留学生办公室对申请材料进行审核。审核通过后,留学生办公室会将申请材料送至第一志愿所在学院,学院对申请材料进行二次审核,通过后学院将通知申请人参加面试或笔试。若申请材料未通过第一志愿所在学院审核,或申请人未通过第一志愿所在学院考核,申请材料将自动转至第二志愿所在学院,并经相同审核程序。若申请材料未通过第二志愿所在学院审核,或申请人未通过第二志愿所在学院考核,申请程序自动终止,不予录取。各学院对申请人进行考核后,根据考生考试或面试情况及科研能力提出拟录取意见,连同《研究生复试记录纸》及考生全部报名材料,提交至研究生院招生办公室。经学校招生领导小组审议确定最终录取名单,由留学生办公室公布录取结果并发放录取通知书。计划发放录取通知书时间为2022年7月。六、申请时间1. 网上报名截止:2022年4月30日2. 面试:2022年5-6月3. 录取:2022年7月4.入学时间:2022年9月七、课程设置

Silk Road School, Renmin University of China (Suzhou)

Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies

2022 Program Overview

I. Application Qualifications

Applicants should:1. NOT have Chinese nationality.2. Should hold a valid ordinary passport;3. Have acquired a degree equivalent to a Chinese bachelor’s degree and have a good command of English;4. Not be older than 35 years old in principle;5. Be physically and mentally healthy;II. Application TimeNovember 15th, 2021- April 30th, 2022Please note: International Students Office (ISO) of RUC will review the application materials during the application period. Applicants who do not pass the online preliminary review shall resubmit the application materials before the deadline. No application will be accepted after the deadline .III. Application Process

1. Online Application

Applicants must log in to the International Students Application System of Renmin University of China (http://international.ruc.edu.cn/application) within the application time, fill in the application information authentically, upload the application materials and pay the application fee online in the system.

After the payment of the application fee, the system will automatically generate the Application Form for International Students of Renmin University of China. Applicants should print the application form and sign it.


1) The requirement of the electronic photos:

a. The photo should be One recent 2-inch photo (in white background)

b. The photo should be taken in full-face view

c. With a neutral facial expression

d. Taken in clothes that you normally wear on a daily dark basis

e. Uniforms should not be worn in your photo, except religious clothing that is worn daily

f. Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, except for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face

g. The image format should be in JPG or JPEG

2) The registration information must be verified before submitting. Once submitted, it cannot be modified.

3) Be sure to keep the username and password used in online registration.

4) The application fee is RMB 800 (non-refundable). Please pay the application fee through the online payment in the system.

2. Mail the hard copies of the application materials

After the online application, RUC will review the applicants’ information and materials. Applicants who pass the online preliminary review should mail the hard copies of the application materials to the International Students Office of RUC through EMS or SF-Express within one week after passing the online preliminary review.(please send track number to  within one week after passing the online preliminary review)

Mailing Address&Tel :International Students Office,Renmin University of China,Room 108, International Cultural Exchange Center. No. 59 Zhongguancun St. Haidian District .Beijing, 100872 .People`s Republic of China.Tel:86-10-62511588IV. Application Materials (student should upload soft copies online and mail hard copies offline)1. Application Form for International Students of Renmin University of ChinaThe form should be printed clearly on one piece of A4 paper. Smeared, doodled or damaged forms are not acceptable. Applicants must sign the form.2. Final Education Certificate1) Applicants who have graduated should submit the copy of final education certificate, with the original copy of the notarization of the final education certificate or the original copy of verification of the final education certificate by the Ministry of Education of China, the Ministry of Education of the applicant’s country, the applicant’s embassy in China, Chinese embassy in the applicant’s country or other institutions entrusted by the Ministries and Embassies mentioned above.(Please choose one of them,and the language should be English or Chinese.)2) If the applicant is currently a student at school, please submit the original or notarized copy of the certificate of expected graduation issued by his or her current university. The original diploma and graduation certificate must be provided to the university for re-examination. Those who fail to pass the re-examination will not be admitted for registration. If the applicant cannot provide the related final education certificate according to the item 1) above within the first two weeks after registration in September, the enrollment will be turned down.3. Transcript (original or notarized)The transcript must include all the courses of the final education period. If the full score of the course is not 100, please provide the guide to transcript.4. Copies of the first page and visa page of the passportThe applicant must hold an ordinary passport. Other types of passport or ID documents are not allowed for application. The validity of the passport must be later than March 31st, 2023. Otherwise, please change the passport in advance. Applicants must apply for registration and study in China with ordinary passports. The copy of the visa page refers to the copy of the visa page held in China (if any). Please do not change the passport after the online preliminary review.5. Two Recommendation LettersTwo recommendation letters are required, from two professors or associate professors written in Chinese or English using the letterhead with the university’s name at the top.The recommendation letters must contain the signature of the recommender. Applicants who have left the University for a long time and cannot get in touch with the university may submit a recommendation letter issued by the leader in charge of the applicant’s work unit using the letterhead paper of the recommender.6. Personal StatementThe personal statement provides an opportunity for you to present yourself. The content should include personal study and work experience, academic research achievements, research plans, career planning after graduation, etc., written in English.7. Foreigner Physical Examination FormThe Foreigner Physical Examination Form should be the original document. The template of Foreigner Physical Examination Form can be downloaded on the website of International Students Office. The applicant should go to the local regular hospital for physical examination in strict accordance with the items specified in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. A physical examination form missing items, photo, cross-page seal, signature of the doctor and the seal of the hospital is considered invalid.8. English Proficiency CertificateThe total score of IELTS must be 6.0 or above, and TOEFL score must be 90 or above. Other English proficiency certificates are not accepted. Applicants who have obtained an English-taught degree or who are native English speakers (including those of Chinese descent born in foreign countries) are not required to submit English proficiency certificate.9. Proof of Economic Capability (choose one of the following)1) Bank deposit certificate of the applicant (time deposit of no less than RMB 30,000 and the maturity date should be after October 2022).2) the guarantor’s employment certificate (annual income specified) or bank deposit certificate (the employment certificate must be issued on the company’s letterhead paper or time deposit of no less than RMB 30,000 and the maturity date should be after October 2022).10. Letter of GuaranteeThe template of the Letter of Guarantee can be downloaded from the website of the International Students Office. The Letter of Guarantee should be signed by the applicant’s relative or the economic guarantor.11. Certificate of No Criminal Record (original or notarized copy)1) Applicants who are currently not in Chinese mainland should offer the certificate issued by the local public security department.2) Applicants who are currently in Chinese mainland should offer the certificate issued by entry and exit administration departments of China.12. Nationality ProofAccording to the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Letter No.12 [2020] of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, some applicants shall provide additional materials as required below.1) Applicants having acquired foreign nationality at birth with their parent(s) being Chinese citizen(s) when s/he was born should submit:a. Proof of acquisition of foreign nationality at birth (notarized copy);b. Copies of the parents’ identity documents at the applicant’s birth;c. Copies of the parents’ current identity documents.Besides, other materials are required under the following circumstances:i.An applicant who was born overseas, and (a) whose parents were Chinese citizens having settled abroad when the applicant was born, or (b) one of whose parents is a Chinese citizen having settled abroad when the applicant was born, the other being a foreigner, should submit the copies of proof documents of settling abroad of the parent(s) who was/were Chinese (e.g., visas, exit and entry seals, permanent residence of foreign countries, etc.);ii.According to the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, applicants are considered to have Chinese nationality if they were born overseas with one or both of their parents being Chinese citizen(s) and having long settled in Chinese Mainland when the applicant was born. Such applicants should submit the notarized copy of renunciation of Chinese nationality;iii.Applicants who were born in Chinese Mainland, one or both of their parents being Chinese citizen(s) and having long settled in Chinese Mainland when the applicant was born should submit:(a) Notarized copy of certificate of renunciation of Chinese nationality, if the applicant has settled in Chinese Mainland since birth, meaning that s/he has Chinese nationality;(b) Documents of settling abroad right after their birth, if the applicant has settled abroad since birth, meaning that s/he does not have Chinese nationality.2) Applicants who were Chinese citizens (including those who reside in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) before immigrating to a foreign country and obtaining foreign nationality should submit:a. Foreign Nationality Certificate (notarized copy);b. In addition, applicants who were residents of and have settled in Chinese Mainland and have acquired foreign nationality should submit the certificate of renunciation of Chinese nationality and that of canceling the household registration (hukou) (notarized copies);c. Applicants who were residents of Chinese Mainland and have acquired foreign nationality after settling abroad should submit the notarized copy of canceling the household registration (hukou) and copy of certificate of settling abroad.13. Copies of published academic papers, awards or other research results may be attached if necessary.The published academic papers shall be attached with a retrieval certificate, certificate of publication or other relevant publication proof materials.Matters needing attention:* All application materials shall be in Chinese / English, and notarized Chinese / English translation shall be provided for texts not in Chinese / English. Documents in other languages are not accepted. If the published academic paper is too long to provide translation, Chinese / English research certificate, employment certificate or other relevant publication proof materials shall be provided, and the original paper shall be attached;* If the submitted materials are notarized copies, they shall be the original notarized copies. Copies of notarizations are not accepted;* All application materials will not be returned once submitted;* Renmin University of China reserves the right to require the applicant to submit relevant supporting materials.V. Review and Enrollment ProcedureApplicants can apply for 2 programs at the same time. The International Students Office (ISO) will review the application materials. After the preliminary review, ISO will send the application materials to the first program that the applicant applies for. The program will review the application materials again and notify the qualified applicants of participating a test or an interview.Please choose Silk Road School(Suzhou) as your first choice.If the applicant’s materials do not pass the review of the first program, or the applicant fails to pass the test or interview of the first program, his or her application materials will go through the same procedure to the second program.If the applicant fails to pass the review / test / interview of both the programs, the application procedure will automatically end and the applicant cannot be admitted.After reviewing application materials and organizing the test / interview, the program will form a proposed admission list based on the applicant’s overall performance and research capacity. The proposed admission list will be submitted to the Admission Office of the Graduate School along with the record sheet of the interview and all the application materials. The Admission Committee of Renmin University will deliberate and finalize the admission list, after which the International Students Office will issue the admission results and send the admission notices.VI. DeadlineThe application period is open until April 30, 2022.VII. InterviewInterviewed by expert group (in English) online.VIII. Application ScheduleDeadline for online applications: April 30, 2022Interview online: From May to June, 2022Letters of admission sent out: July, 2022Semester begins: September, 2022IX.Curriculum StructureThe following specializations are available on the program:l Chinese Politicsl Chinese Economyl Chinese Culturel Chinese LawThe following is a selection of the available coursesl China Politicsl Chinese Languagel Investing in China and Its Legal Requirementsl Chinese Historyl Chinese Traditional Culturel Contemporary Chinese Diplomacyl Contemporary Chinese Economyl Contemporary Chinese Foreign Economic Relationsl Brief Introduction on Chinese Lawl China and Global Governancel Seminar on Belt and Road Initiativel China and Its Relations with Great Powersl China and Its Relations with Neighboring CountriesX.Duration and LocationThe program is two years full-time in Suzhou city, Jiangsu Province of China ,Silk Road School, Renmin University of ChinaAddress: No.158 Ren’ai Road, Dushulake High Education District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, ChinaXI.ContactTel: 86-10-62516305*8206  Email:  Tips: You can email us with a brief introduction and we can help you follow up the whole application process.Website: http://srs.ruc.edu.cn/




中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center, RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长、人大重阳高级研究员何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长、国际商会执行董事、人大重阳高级研究员张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。自2018年以来,中国人民大学全球治理研究中心连续四年入围由美国宾州大学“智库研究项目”(TTSCP)推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“亚洲大国智库100强”。



